Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Zombies: To read or not to read?

About a year ago someone said that Zombies would be the next BIG Paranormal read. I didn't really think they could put as much interest into them as the others...vamps, shifters, fae, etc. I was wrong. I forgot that it's always about the people in the books. Human or not and the ones I've read have been about the ones surviving the zombies not the characters after they succumb. And I like that because most of us adhere to basic zombie rules. They are walking dead, no higher brain function; kill them by beheading or destroying the brain; and last don't get bitten! I haven't read the books where they've made the zombies sentient. (ie-Married With Zombies) I just can't get past the idea of flesh rotting and feet dragging and all the ripping and tearing if they catch you! How can that be romantic or turned into something not really yucky??

What do you guys think? Are zombies going to stay a small subset of Paranormal Fiction or become as big as Vampires, Shifters, or Fae? Do you like any of the new zombie fiction? Let me know in the comments to win a copy of "The Forest of Hands & Teeth" by Carrie Ryan. Winner will be chosen based on comment, so think about it! Don't forget to Follow My Blog to complete your entry. Contest runs from April 5th to April 19th. Winner will be selected and notified within 48 hours of ending and contacted. Winners have 72 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. Good Luck! (See my FAQS page for more questions about contests.)

Ta ta for now!